Size (LxWxH) = 248 x 45 x 200 cm Model 3 contents 1 wash Filtration Blue water filter housing 10 in 15 units Activated carbon cartridge 10 in 2 units Sediment cartridge 10 in 13 units Sterilization Ultraviolet type C 40 watt 2 units Ozone generator 1 unit Accessories 125 watt water pump 3 units Electric faucet 4 units Blue light 6 units Power on/off indicator Piping (Reservoir to refill machine) 1 unit PVC gallon brush Close the gallon 1000 units Tissue gallon 1000 units TDS meter 1 unit Electrolysis 1 unit Sales banners Indonesian Ministry of Health lab results Production capacity Minerals 400 gallons per 8 hours of work RO 130 gallons per 24 working hours Alkaline 50 gallons per 24 working hours Brand Oriental Water
Receive installation and delivery of packages for drinking water refills Ro 1000 gpd Low watt 3 in 1 for Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Mojokerto, Mojosari,Lamongan, Pasuruan, Gempol, Pandaan, Paket, Kediri, Jombang, Bangkalan, Banyuwangi, Kanigoro, Blitar, bojonegoro, bondowoso, jember, ngasem, lumajang, caruban, magnetan, kepanjen, ngawi, pacitan, pamekasan, ponorogo, kraksaan, sampang, situbondo, sumenep, Trenggalek, Tuban, Tulungagung, Batu, Madiun, Probolinggo
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