Purolite C100e resin
Purolite C100e resin is a strong acid cation resin that has a uniform particle shape for use in water softener and demineralization applications. Purolite C100e Cation Exchange Resin resins are in the form of small uniform beads that show kinetics faster than conventional resin sizes. The Cation Exchange Resin Purolite C100e Resin can produce increased regeneration efficiency, higher capacity and reduce regenerant use. Purolite C100e resin also shows excellent stability used in a variety of separation processes, purification, decontamination, water softening and water purification. Cation Exchange Purolite C100e Resin can be used at a maximum operating temperature of 120C in the pH range of 0 to 14 and packed in 25 liters per bag.
Typical Physical and Chemical Properties of Purolite C100e Resin:
- Total Exchange Capacity (eq / L): 2.0
- Water Content (%): 42-50
- Uniformity Coefficient, max: 1.9
- Total swelling (Na H), approx. (%): 11
- Whole Uncracked Beads (%): 95-100
- Harmonic Mean Size: 0.5 - 0.7
Operating Conditions:
- Maximum Operating Temperature: 120 C
- pH range: 0-14
- Bed depth, min .: 800 mm
- Service / fast rinse: 2-24 gpm / ft2
- Regenerant: 1-8% H2SO4, 4-8% HCl or 8-12% NaCl
This Softener Resin Is Useful For Lowering The Content Of Lime In Water. Commonly Used For Business Refill Drinks Or Other Water Depots
Other Water Treatment