Aquapro Membrane 400 GPD / 400GPD for Reverse Osmosis
Prices do not include housing.
MODEL NO. TW3013-400
Maximum capacity of 400 GPD or the equivalent of 1,500 liters per day
-.Membran Type: Polyamide Thin-Film Composite
-.Maximum Operating Temperature: 45 C
-.Maximum Operating Pressure = 150psi / 10 bar
-.pH Range: 2-11
-.Free Chlorine Tolerance: 0 .1 ppm
-.Diameter: 690mm
-.Panjang: 330mm
Aquapro Membrane 400 GPD / 400GPD for Reverse Osmosis Prices do not include housing. MODEL NO. TW3013-400 maximum capacity of 400 GPD or the equivalent of 1,500 liters per day Specifications: -.Membran Type: Polyamide Thin-Film Composite -.Maximum Operating Temperature: 45 C -.Maximum Operating Pressure = 150psi / 10 Bar -.pH Range: 2- 11 -.Free Chlorine Tolerance: 0 .1 ppm -.Diameter: 690mm -.Panjang: 330mm
Water filter