
Vontron Keensen Silvertec csm 100 GPD High Quality RO Membrane

Rp. 123
Last Updated
31 Aug 2024
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Vontron Keensen Silvertec CSM 100 GPD RO Membrane The 100 GPD membrane is a type of semipermeable membrane used in water filtration systems, especially in reverse osmosis (RO) units. "GPD" is an abbreviation for gallons per day, which refers to the clean water production capacity produced by the membrane. So, a 100 GPD membrane is capable of producing up to about 10 gallons per day from water processed through an RO system. These membranes are commonly used in household and small industrial applications. There are various brands of 100 GPD membranes, including: Vontron, CSM, Keensen, Silvertec. Can be used for household reverse osmosis machines (undersink / refill water depot) Specifications: -Membrane Type: Polyamide Thin-Film Composite -.Maximum Operating Temperature: 45 C -.Maximum Operating Pressure = 300psi -•pH Range: 2-11 -.Free Chlorine Tolerance: 0.1 ppm Maintenance of 100 GPD membranes is important to maintain their performance and extend their service life. Here are some common maintenance steps:  1. *Routine Cleaning*: Perform membrane cleaning periodically to remove accumulated dirt and deposits. Use the cleaning solution recommended by the membrane manufacturer and follow the instructions for use properly.  2. *Rinsing*: After cleaning, rinse the membrane with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution and loose particles.  3. *Pressure Monitoring*: Regularly check the pressure in the RO system, because low pressure can indicate a problem with the membrane. Make sure the pressure is within the range recommended by the manufacturer.  4. *Water Quality Monitoring*: Monitor the quality of water produced by the RO system using a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter. If the TDS rises significantly, it could be that the membrane needs to be replaced.  5. *Protection from Damage*: Avoid exposing the membrane to chemicals or extreme temperatures that could damage it. Protect the membrane from direct sunlight and dusty environments.  6. *Regular Replacement*: Although good maintenance can extend the life of the membrane, eventually, the membrane will degrade in performance and need to be replaced. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines regarding frequency of membrane replacement.  By maintaining good care, the 100 GPD membrane can provide optimal performance and clean, quality water for a long time.Water filter
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