Resin has a function to absorb positive and negative ions in the water. Cation resin functions to bind calcium ions (CA2 +) and Magnesiun (2+) in water so that the content of calcium and magnesium in the water can be completely lost. The high content of calcium and magnesium in water affects the water hardness value where this hardness can cause the crust in the boiler and eventually the energy efficiency will be low. The function of Cation Resin is to remove lime content (CaCO3), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca) in drinking water or ground water or PDAM water or mountain water. Cation resin is commonly used for softener to water with high hardness. Water with high hardness will cause the function of water for washing or cleaning to be disrupted. Therefore water with high hardness needs to be repaired first through the softener process by using cation resin.
This high hardness water cannot be filtered using RO membranes, therefore it is necessary to use a cation resin softener before being processed through the RO (Reverse Osmosis) machine. This is done with the aim that the RO (reverse Osmosis) membrane work does not quickly clog up. Together with anion resin, cation resin is used for demineralization, which is to produce water with minimal mineral levels. Usually the demin process is carried out before the water enters the RO (Reverse Osmosis) machine so that the RO membrane's work is not too heavy. This process is carried out with the aim of producing pure water with a TDS level close to 0, where pure water is often needed for health purposes such as oxy water and others. This pure water is also commonly used in industrial steam boiler machines and in the milk-processing machinery industry and others. For the use of cation resin and anion resin must follow the special formula used in determining the amount of resin, the amount of water to be filtered, the saturation period and the flow rate of the water
Cation Resin